Hello again! A song and a dog.
Hello out there! Sooooooooooo…yeah, it’s been quiet here for a bit (years!), and I hope to change that around real soon. Like, right NOW soon. I have a bunch of musical adventures that I plan on finally getting around to. Songs that have long been recorded that I neglected to put here (and new songs), as well as other projects. I’ll have YouTube videos, and a Facebook page as soon as I can figure all that out. I’m sure I’m the last person on Earth to have any of these things. I’ll hopefully have some live shows, solo or with other peeps. I’ll show you what guitar upgrades, builds, kits and whatever else I can think of that I’ve been up to or planning. Now if only I can remember how this WordPress works. Gotta spruce things up around here.
That’s all for now. I’ll keep it short and try to check in every week just to say hi and post a song or video. I also promise not to share any Wordle scores, but there will be plenty of pictures of my dog. Here’s one right now. 🙂 Say hello to Story. We rescued her back in March of 2020.

And before I leave (until next time), here is one of the songs I never put here. In the fall of 2020 there were so many dead squirrels all over the roads here. A lot more than usual. So I wrote a song about it.